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Schedule & Dates for 2025-2026 Uploaded - Course Descriptions Coming soon!

Please contact our Director, Alexine Fink by text/call 206-399-1963 or email [email protected]

3rd - 7th Grade: 3 Seats Available

8th - 12th Grade: 4 Seats Available

Request More Information

Learn about our educational organization and how we can help your family. =)

Please contact our Director, Alexine Fink by text/call 206-399-1963 or email [email protected]

Welcome to Murfreesboro Homeschoolers Tutorial!

Murfreesboro Homeschoolers Tutorial (MHS) is a hybrid educational program for homeschooling students in Middle Tennessee. We provide tutorial classes and educational activities for homeschooled children as well as support for homeschooling families.

We strive to foster creativity, entrepreneurial spirit, and problem-solving by empowering students to take ownership of their education and commit to lifelong learning.

Core classes and elective classes are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM with assignments to do at home Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

We also have an optional third day on Wednesdays from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM for homework tutoring and additional classes.

The class schedules include Science, Language Arts, History, Math and Electives. Curriculum and class materials are included with the exception of math curriculum, home reference books and chapter books used for the classes. Each student must bring their own math books/workbooks for the tutoring.

You can find our class schedules for 2024 - 2025 at this link: https://www.murfreesborohomeschoolers.com/schedules24-25

Please visit our Handbook for more information about MHS.

How to Join Our Program

We would love to have you join our educational program for the 2024 to 2025 academic year at Murfreesboro Homeschoolers Tutorial!

  • Please email/call/text to schedule a time to meet with our director.

  • After your meeting, you will be instructed to follow the link to fill out our simple online Membership Form

  • Once our director receives your Membership Form she will reach out to you to complete the required forms through DocUSign.

  • Finally, the director will go over the specifics of your enrollment in our registration system via phone call or an in person meeting.

  • For Special Requests please email our director Alexine at [email protected]

  • If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us. We look forward to helping however we can!

TOP 3 Questions About Homeschooling

1. Is it Legal?

YES! In all 50 states of the USA, homeschooling is legal! Each state has their own laws, HERE are the state of TN homeschooling laws. This link explains the three types of homeschooling in Tennessee: Independent Home School, Church-Related Umbrella School & Accredited Online School.

2. Am I Qualified?

All you need is a High School Diploma or GED to legally home school your children in the state of Tennessee.

3. What about Socialization?

This is where MHS can help! Our tutorial classes are the perfect solution for socialization, education and building relationships for homeschooling students. At MHS we bridge the gap between homeschooling and public/private school.


MHS Class Day
March 11 - Tuesday
08:30 AM - 03:00 PM
MHS Bonus Classes
March 12 - Wednesday
01:00 PM - 03:00 PM
MHS Class Day
March 13 - Thursday
08:30 AM - 03:00 PM


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