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Language Arts Classes

Secure Forum: All MHS classes have a secure interactive forum to communicate with tutors, parents and classmates. Tutors will use this platform to communicate about classwork and assignments.

Parents and students access the forum by signing into the website using the username & password created on the membership form and clicking on "forum".

Assignments & Supplies: Binders and notebooks will be handed out as needed for organizing course work. Homework is assigned on our interactive course forums. Class supplies required will be posted on the forum throughout the year.

Language Arts: Elementary (Tues & Thurs)

This class will cover things in bite-sized pieces.  I will create a firm English foundation by reviewing the basics. Expect to focus on: grammar, penmanship, spelling and vocabulary. We will use short poems and rhymes to organically teach such. The ability to summarize should be mastered by the end of this year. I plan to foster a love of the printed word by sharing my treasury of cherry picked excellent books with our students. Some are quite rare and over one hundred years old! My love for books is sure to be contagious. The children should enjoy this multisensory approach to English. I have some nontraditional ideas up my sleeve to add spice and excitement to English.

Language Arts: Middle & High School (Tues & Thurs) (1 Credit for High School)

With a spark and a little imagination, you too can fall head over heels reading and writing. The typical classroom is filled with sullen faces. Statistics show a shocking seventy percent of adults haven’t darkened the doorsteps of a bookstore in five years. The goal of any education should be to foster a love for life long learning. Therefore, this class will focus on finding ways to connect to any text you are assigned. Plan to analyze poems, short stories, and longer works. We will discuss and identify techniques the author used successfully, and then look to mirror some of those strategies by writing weekly. Students should anticipate a high participatory class. Expect to engage and share in literary discussions, keep weekly journals, and submit polished papers.